MOB Studies the "Perils of Paul"
In the days of silent movies, there was a series of short films called “The Perils of Pauline” about a young girl who got into predicaments like being tied to a railroad track. “The Perils of Pauline” pale next to the real life adventures of St. Paul, who found himself in one predicament after another, as we see in the book of Acts. Our journey with St. Paul continues in February with the accounts of his arrest in Jerusalem in the temple for a crime he didn’t commit, and about how he was almost ripped apart by an angry mob on two occasions. Our study of Acts 22 will give us the opportunity to discuss how we can positively use our citizenship like Paul did when he appealed to his Roman citizenship. Our final study will tell of how a relative of Paul uncovered a plot to kill him and reminds us of how God is always looking out for us. Men, if you are missing our Wednesday morning Bible studies, you have a hole in your schedule that you need to fill with the fellowship of the Men of Brandon.